Autoškola Horázný nabízí výcvik řidičů anglicky, včetně závěrečné zkoušky v angličtině. K autoškole anglicky Vám poskytneme anglické výukové materiály, které výrazně usnadní přípravu na závěrečné zkoušky. Autoškola v angličtině je nabízena pro všechny skupiny řidičů.

Pro anglicky mluvící zájemce o řízení nabízíme také kondiční jízdy v angličtině.

Don’t feel comfortable taking your course in Czech? We provide all of our courses in the English and Russian languages and can arrange for final exams in those languages too. 

Here are the services we provide in English

  • Driving courses and final exam as well as necessary study materials
  • eTests – support to home study for driving school students
  • Training of drivers of motorcycles, cars, trucks, and buses (categories AM, A1, A2, A, B, BE, C, CE, D, DE)
  • Refresher lessons for driving license holders
  • Driving courses and refresher lessons for vehicle category B with automatic transmission
  • Attorney services: e.g. traffic offenses, demerit point system etc.

For companies and entrepreneurs we provide the following in English:

  • Instructive training and testing for the purpose of obtaining of a Professional qualification certificate
  • Obligatory instructive training for company drivers and officers according to the Labor Code
  • Obligatory instructive training for professional drivers according to Act on Road Traffic
  • Occupational driver training and driver’s assessment
  • Defensive driving courses

More information on all courses: